Die Drau zu beangeln stand schon immer auf meiner "To Do" Liste. Als sich dann die Möglichkeit bot, zögerte ich nicht lange. Es war eine großartige Erfahrung in einer traumhaften Landschaft. Die Insel, die den Altarm von der Drau trennt, das klare Wasser und die wahnsinnig kampfstarken Fische, lassen keinen Wunsch offen. Durch eine perfekte Betreuung von Fishery Steffan stellte sich auch schon bald der Erfolg ein und ich konnte meinen Flussrekord nach oben schrauben, was will man mehr. Die gesamte Anlage ist eindrucksvoll, professionell und perfekt in die traumhafte Bergkulisse eingebettet und definitiv einen Besuch wert. Ich komme wieder! Thomas Haderer |
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Ein Abenteuer mit Back Up.
Mit ihrem Drau-Stück bietet die Fishery Steffan jedem Angler etwas ganz Besonderes: 'Ein Abenteuer mit Back Up', wenn man so möchte. Wer auf der Suche nach noch nicht gefangenen Riesen ist, könnte an der Drau fündig werden. Flussangeln kann tückisch sein, doch auch dafür ist vorgesorgt: Fishery Steffan hat verschiedene Ausweichgewässer. Selbst wenn die Bedingungen nicht mitspielen, wird die Anreise also nicht umsonst sein. Der nahezu unerforschte Fluss bietet ein Abenteuer in atemberaubender Kulisse – ohne Risiko!“ Mark Dörner |
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Urlaubs-feeling und dicke Fische in traumhafter Natur und entspannter Atmosphäre, dazu ein professionelles, freundliches Team - Das ist Fishery Steffan. Eine fantastische Anlage die meine uneingeschränkte Empfehlung bekommt und sicher noch viele Angler Herzen höher schlagen lässt.
Christoph Eckhart |
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Gar nicht so einfach wenn man ein Gewässer kaum wiederkennt, an dem man vor gut 20 Jahren wunderbare Fische fangen und viel Zeit verbringen durfte. Doch was hier entsteht ist sehr gut und visionär, mutig und voller Enthusiasmus. Es wird noch ein wenig Zeit brauchen, aber dann findet man hier ein kleines, anglerisches Paradies. Und das mit einem professionellen und sehr herzlichen Service. Denn Zeit ist kostbar, Urlaubsstunden sind es noch viel mehr. Ich sehe es wie John F.Kennedy der einst Weise und voller Weitblick sagte: ’’Veränderung ist das Gesetz des Lebens. Diejenigen, die nur auf die Vergangenheit oder die Gegenwart blicken, werden die Zukunft verpassen.’‘ Arno Bergler |
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Lake Steffan was to be my first proper fishing trip to Austria - and although my first priority was filming and not fishing, I was looking forward to hopefully catching an Austrian carp or two. When we arrived early in the morning there was a thick fog shrouding the lake. As the sun burnt through it revealed itself, and some spectacular scenery surrounding it, hills that almost looked like the rainforest and snow capped mountains in the distance. The striking feature of the lake is the large railway viaduct spanning it at the point where both parts of the lake join. This is what makes the fishing really quite interesting at the Lagoon I. On one side you have a narrow channel, with bays and arms and some big weedbeds, and on the other an open expanse of shallow water, with bars, gullies and sparser weedbeds. Two very different environments. In the channel using a boat to position baits on chosen spots was a good tactic, but out in the shallow water of the large expanse I think the boat spooked them a little. On the first morning I found a few fish in a quiet corner. As all the others had chosen their spots, and couldn’t be persuaded to have a fish for these fish that were obviously feeding within casting range, throwing up silt and bubbles, I decided to have a little go myself. It would be rude not to! After stalking a couple of the smaller fish down the margin, I got the rods out in the swim, not really fishing Euro tactics. I still had my short rigs on from England on my 6ft rods! I fished one 20mm bait on a very long hair, hoping that this would prevent hooking too many fish all in same and spooking the bigger fish in the process, and using just 30g weights. I decided not to put any bait in, not wanting to cause too many smaller fish to feed in the swim. Sometimes fishing can be quite simple! At first light, having caught a bream and smaller carp. In the night I had a proper take, and played in something heavier. It kited round in front of the swim, through what was obviously deeper channel in the shallow water, and I needed it round the other side of the little point. I was sure it was just a good 20 until I lifted the net. It was much bigger. 41lbs! I sacked the fish as it was raining, and replaced the rod close in the deeper channel. Within an hour it was away, and I landed a plump 30b mirror, closely followed by a beautiful scale perfect common, also of 30lb on the other rod. A crazy couple of hours, and a mad photo session! Although we were unsure of the stock, we heared some things before from other anglers but they all were not true - it appeared there were a few big fish, as Ecky also had two very good carp that morning. The following morning I had another two small carp, and at 8am I had a slower more deliberate take. This was a heavy fish and it kited from weedbed to weedbed. It turned out to be another big mirror, weighing just under the magic 20kg mark. A very nice old fish, and I have some amazing pictures with the mountains in the background. The activity stopped in the bay, the water cleared and it was clear that the fish were gone. I moved for the final night and this was a good tactic as I bagged another two carp. It is quite clear where the fish are, as they colour the water, bubble and are not shy of jumping out. Sometimes you just have to go and find them. There were plenty of carp caught that week by all, including quite a few big ones. The fishing is not easy, and the smaller, fast growing carp make you think about your approach. These fish are the future though, and they will all be 30lbers in a couple of years, and it is rewarding when you get through to some of the lakes big original fish. In terms of environment the swims are all really spacious, well spaced, mainly grassed and one of the great things is you can drive round the whole lake. The lodges look like they are going to be very comfortable too. The whole Resort looks really good. Also worth investigating is the river that runs next to the lake and I would love to return and have a go there one day, especially having photographed a mega 17 kilo common for Thomas, along with plenty of smaller fish. It was also enjoyable fishing for some of the other species in the lake, some of which grow very large. I caught some beautiful big perch, one of my favourite fish. There is something for everyone for sure! So we all had a very enjoyable week at a very lovely place, with great guys. Austria was very kind to me and I look forward to returning soon! Oli Davies |
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